Monday, January 19, 2015

wow i didnt blog in 2014 even once!

this little guy is Otis. he was running down the middle of the highway and i took him home. its hard to believe he has been part of our life for almost 4 years. i was thinking about that the other day and realized he came into our lives almost exactly a year after my mom passed. he is a spoiled baby but a good baby.


smazoochie said...

You scared me! I thought the dear boy was gone!
Love you, love Otis. Miss you blogging & Instagram-ing.
😚 Happy New Year!

susan said...

aw im sorry. yeah. i need to get back on instagram. blogging? eh.

silversmith said...

has it really been that long? I guess so. his little signature on my Christmas card made me smile big. I've been horrible about blogging as well...and quilting...and painting...

susan said...

bizarre! lately blogger hasnt been allowing me to post. but i see that post up there posted??? hmmm

Unknown said...

The view of the photo can make a serious mistake that he is suffering from the sickness. I hope you and Otis are always happy and healthy.

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